Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stage 6 - Removing sand mold and first fire

Depending on how wet or dry your mix was, you could scrape out the sand form. Only do this if you are sure that the first layer is dry enough.

Be care full when scraping out the sand as the oven mud is fragile at this stage. Do not use tool for this stage. Use your hands as they can feel for the newspaper. Make sure that all of the sand is gone and don't worry about the paper as the fire will get rid of that.

This is what the temporary oven looked like after we scraped it out. There was no brick arch for this so we cut out a hole angled outwards. The inner part of the angle that is inside the oven should be the desired door ope height. Work your way out from there.
This is the main oven. Sand came out no problem. Also please notice that the floor is flat, as it should be.

And we have fire!! Roll up newspaper it knots and add a few twigs. Do not make this fire too hot as it could crack the roof of the oven and collapse.

Leave to dry over night or any day after that. But not too long as the elements will break down the oven mud faster

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